"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself." - Alan Alda
Film production and storytelling are some of Keli’s passions and areas of expertise.  She uses storytelling as a cathartic release, to bring laughter and knowledge, and expose pain and lessons for healing.  Keli went to film school in 2002, where she co-wrote and directed “The Diary”, an awarded winning short film, based on a true story of exposing a teenager's sexual abuse.  She has also completed her first feature film script and is currently in negotiations to produce it.  Keli worked for 10 years in diverse roles in the film industry, while studying energy and healing systems.  Through this combination of work, education, and her natural gifts, she came to recognize the deep need, particularly in sensitive, creative people, to find balance and have protection from the chaos and negative energy that can often find its way to stressful work and familial environments.
IN Perspective was born from the desire to rewrite the story and bring forward the vision of a healthy and balanced creative being.  Keli is combining her passions in both film and healing focusing on creating opportunities that enable each client to find personal balance, without giving up their identity or draining their energy in the process.
The Journey At an early age Keli first heard the words of Spirit.  But she didn’t recognize it until after she climbed Australia's sacred Ularu (Ayres Rock) in her early 20's where she had an epiphany that would open her mind and allow visions that would send her on a quest for a deeper ‘higher’ knowledge. Three years later Keli ‘hit bottom’ in her personal life, having failed to find anyone or anyway to express what she knew.  This lead to her first session with a Spiritual Healer, and in only one session she was extraordinarily impacted. She recognized her great need to heal and find her own voice, which then lead to an awakening to become a healer. Within a year Keli found her first spiritual mentor and was introduced to an ancient energy healing system.  She apprenticed for over 8 years in the practice of this powerful metaphysical work.
With the philosophy of the “healer must heal, so the healer can heal” Keli would spend the next 6 years regressing herself, present and past lives, unlocking energy patterns and habits that held her back in this life, transforming destructive experiences into life-affirming awakening, so that she may help others no matter how deep the wound.
Keli utilizes her finely tuned psychic gifts to facilitate healing of the spirit, inspiring her clients to be excited about their own amazing potential.  By tuning into their whole multi-dimensional being she connects her clients with their higher voice of knowing, she identifies ‘secrets from within’ (both positive and sometimes painful) where a person may have been lying to themselves by living in a destructive pattern or ‘incorrect story’. Keli offers perspective so that you can make your own choice.